Dealing With ADHD As A Tween: Bullies

Charlotte Stubing
1 min readFeb 28, 2021

I am going to tell you the truth. Bullies are never going to go away. In one way or another, they will always be apart of this world. So instead of wasting your time trying to get rid of bullying, we must learn to live with it.

Are they really worth my time?

What I always do is when someone is being mean to me, I close my eyes and I think to myself “Why am I letting this ONE persons’ words and actions make me feel bad. There are so many people who would hate that person and who love me.”

Besides it’s just one more bully I will have to live with

But remember sticks and stones may break my bones but your words can’t hurt me, is only true if you don’t let what they are saying get through to you you.

It’s not that easy trust me

You have to remind yourself that this will be over sooner or later. And the fact that you won’t let their words hurt you, will not only protect you, but gives a confidence boost as well.

Just remember these rules:

  1. Don’t tell an adult at school first, most likely they won’t do anything at all.
  2. Never say “STOP!” because that will let them know you’re upset.
  3. NEVER EVER ignore them. That just makes them mad.

Remember this like DNN

Maybe this will solve something for you like it did for me!



Charlotte Stubing

Multiracial Black/White She/Her Cat are fun 12 Years Old Doesn’t believe in stereotypes or bullying Loves Life